
Diverse bilder från min vardag och lite annat. All photographs in this blog © Bengt Gustafsson, Bengts Bilder.

106: Winning entry

Good evening PhotoLovers. Yesterday was a grey and foggy day. we had a meeting in the PhotoClub where I won the contest called "Fikabilden". We have that every meeting and the winner does not have to pay for his coffe. My entry was the portrait I had on my blog yesterday.

Afterwards we had the "paper cup" a competition where we show two pictures at a time. the picture that gets most votes goes on to the next round. You are allowed to have five entries with you. the winner yesterday was Björn Björnsson with a beautiful portrait.

Today has also been a grey day, i have not seen the sun at all so I' m posting some spring/summer flowers.

Hold on winter will pass.

Good night

Inlagt 2007-10-26 20:13 | Läst 25181 ggr. | Permalink

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