
Diverse bilder från min vardag och lite annat. All photographs in this blog © Bengt Gustafsson, Bengts Bilder.
Bengt Gustafsson
2007-11-08 22:13 BengtsBilder
meeting Something on your shoe läs mer..

Läst 4548 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
Bengt Gustafsson
2007-11-07 22:18 BengtsBilder
Hmmm faded colors when I publish them. To tired to fix it now Good night läs mer..

Läst 4123 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Bengt Gustafsson
2007-11-06 20:35 BengtsBilder
I took some B&W shots during Stockholm Pride March in August. Some I´ve posted before. I had a few minutes while waiting my daughter so I made a few adjustments to some of the pictures. läs mer..

Läst 6037 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Bengt Gustafsson
2007-11-04 18:59 BengtsBilder
is not celebrated in Sweden the way it is in the US, the merchants have tried to introduce the same concept but I think that this year the intensity in advertising has gone down. I'm glad even ... läs mer..

Läst 3288 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Bengt Gustafsson
2007-11-03 21:43 BengtsBilder
Splittoning From Empire State Building läs mer..

Läst 3701 ggr | 2 kommentarer.
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